Professional Theatre Studio in Diaspora

(15 awards, in Directing, Acting, Translation and Legacy)

2017- Best Actor in a Leading role, at the International Balkan's Theatre Festival (Vangelis Doukoutselis)

2017- Best Actress in a Leading role, at the International Balkan's Theatre Festival (Evelyna Hapenciuc)

2017- Best Actress in a Supporting role, at the International Balkan's Theatre Festival (Laura Mihaela Dumitru)

2017- Best Translation, at the International Balkan's Theatre Festival (Vangelis Doukoutselis)

2018- Best Directing, at the International Balkan's Theatre Festival (Monica Savulescu Voudouri)

2018- Best Actress in a Leading role, at the International Balkan's Theatre Festival (Christina Cretu)

2018- Best Translation, at the International Balkan's Theatre Festival (Vangelis Doukoutselis & Flavius Neagu)

2018- Diploma of participation, by the Club for UNESCO (Monica Savulescu Voudouri, Christina Cretu, Vangelis Doukoutselis, Flavius Neagu, Laura Mihaela Dumitru)

2018- Award Euro-Centenar, by the Romanian Ministry of Culture (Monica Savulescu Voudouri)

2019- Best Directing, at the International Balkan's Theatre Festival (Monica Savulescu Voudouri)

2019- Best Actor in a Supporting role, at the International Balkan's Theatre Festival (Ioannis Makropoulos)

2019- Best Debut, at the International Balkan's Theatre Festival (Constantin Plesea)

2019- Best Translation, at the International Balkan's Theatre Festival (Vangelis Doukoutselis)

2019- Award "Eugen Lovinescu", by the Romanian Museum of Literature & and the Institute of Books (Monica Savulescu Voudouri)

2023- Gold Medal of Vergina "for social contribution" by the International Cultural Association of Salamina - Cafe of Ideas & Pr. Dinos Koubatis (Monica Savulescu Voudouri)


(Testimonials & Recommendations by prominent Institutions,
Diplomatic Officials, University Professors, Artists, etc)

Romanian Association of Theatre - President, Ion Caramitru

Romanian Museum of Literature - Director & Professor, Dr. Ioan Cristescu

Lucian Fatu - ex-Ambassador of Romania in Greece

Martin Ladislau Salamon - ex-Consul General of Romania in Thessaloniki

Phillipe Mogentale - Attaché of the French Embassy in Greece

Iorgos Xandolias - Artistic Director of the International Festival "Olympus"

Ioannis Maronitis - President of Club for UNESCO

Haris Romas - Actor, Director, Screenwriter, ex- Deputy Governor of Culture in Attica

Mihai Neamțu - Consul of Moldovan Embassy in Greece

Margarita Dalamaga Kalofirou - East West Center & Theater Aggelon Vima, Managing Director

Dinos Koubatis - Artistic Director of International Festival of Interbalkanic Theatre

Paris Katsivelos - Actor, Director, Professor of acting

Christina Rusiecki - Critic in magazine "Cultura București"

Doina Papp - Critic in newspaper "Adevărul Romania"


(Tours in Bucharest, Thessaloniki & Katerini/ Olympos with performances both in Romanian & Greek language)

2015- Thessaloniki, after the invitation of the Consul of Romania in Thessaloniki

2016- International Festival "Olympus" - in Katerini and in the Ancient Theatre of Kolindros

2016- French Institute Thessaloniki- at the "Days of Francophonie" in collaboration with the General Consulate of Romania in Thessaloniki and the French Institute

2016- French Institute Athens- at the "Days of Francophonie" in collaboration with the Romanian Embassy in Athens and the French Institute

2017- Thessaloniki, after the invitation of the Consul of Romania in Thessaloniki

2018- Bucharest, Theater of Romanian Dramaturgs, after the invitation of the National Museum of Literature of Romania, at the "Days of Bucharest"


(Published works, translated from Romanian to Greek for the first time)

2016- The story of the Panda bears told by a Saxophonist who has a girlfriend in Frankfurt
by Matei Vișniec (translated by Vangelis Doukoutselis)

2017- The Star with No Name
by Mihail Sebastian (translated by Vangelis Doukoutselis)

2018- The Deserter
by Mihail Sorbul (translated by Vangelis Doukoutselis)

2019- Titanic Waltz
by Mihail Sebastian (translated by Vangelis Doukoutselis, Ioannis Makropoulos, Evgenia Tselenti)
