Vision - Mission

Professional Theatre Studio in Diaspora

Globalization means multinationalism. And multinationalism means the movement of national groups worldwide. So, diaspora...

Diasporas carry their culture with them wherever they go. Thus, the world becomes inevitably multicultural. Therefore, spiritually richer. Theatre, through its multiple aesthetics, inevitably contributes to this spiritual enrichment of the world. We become richer through those around us, and we enrich them at the same time.

This is what we aim for. But theatre is also an artistic phenomenon in its own unique and unrepeatable way. Emotion is consumed in front of the spectator, the experience is always new, at each performance, for an equally new audience. The theatrical act is consumed in plain sight, here and now. For an always new audience, in a here and now of their daily existence.

We aim to talk precisely about this here and now with each performance, with each representation. We profess a theatre anchored in contemporaneity, trying to respond, even when adapting older texts, to current issues. What could be called engaged theatre.

We believe that theatre without actors does not exist, and it is their task to sensitize the audience to the issues of the contemporary world. Therefore, from a directorial point of view, we opt for an essentialized, minimalist staging with clear ideological lines; without excessive embellishment of the stage or an overturning of its functionalities, without resorting too many costumes, lights, musical accompaniments, etc.

The intention is clear and requires clear exposition. We hope to convince you through our way of expression. And to win you as partners in reflecting on the serious issues of the world and our era!

Monica Savulescu Voudouri
Athens, 2015

The "Professional Theatre Studio in Diaspora" is currently a department of the "Association of Romanian Artists in Greece".

"Professional Theatre Studio in Diaspora" was founded in 2014, by Monica Savulescu Voudouri, director and writer of literature novels, poetry, sociological essays, translations, that have been published Romania, the Netherlands, Greece, UK, Peru, Ireland, etc.

She has been founder and president of the "Balkans Contemporary Cultural Society of Athens", which operated for twenty years since 2004, and which has now developed to the "Association of Romanian Artists in Greece".